
Hit the road snack…

Even if we don’t want to acknowledge it, we all know that it is healthier to eat unprocessed and plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, as well as fish or grass fed beef, pork, and free range poultry and that it is unhealthier for a snack to drink soda, eat baked goods and pastries, chow on processed meats, and generally pig out on food that comes in a box.

Before you hit the convenience store for some comfort food, consider this…

Sugar (think soda, cookies, packaged pastries and candy)- a diet high in fructose slows the brain, hampering memory and learning.

High Fat (think french fries, chips, and processed meats)-A 2009 Cambridge University study found that high-fat diets made laboratory rats not just slower but dumber. Yes, this translates to humans also!

Caffeine (think coffee, soda, energy drinks)- Coffee depletes serotonin, which contributes to a sense of well-being. If you have it on an empty stomach, that quick delivery to the bloodstream leads to more anxiety and stress.

While I know it is hard to quit all of these “survival comfort foods” at once, think about small changes you can make to reduce the amount you are consuming. Remember, small changes over time can have big impacts on your health in the long run.

So before you hit that convenience store and stock up on road trip snacks for your kids, think…will these really produce the behaviors and emotions I want to be trapped in a car with on a long ride?

Instead consider packing some of these snacks instead…

Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. They can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss. (Benefit for you parents!) Almonds contain many vitamins and minerals which may prove to be effective for the growth and development of kids.

Apples are full of carbohydrates which are essential to provide children with the energy they need to stay active every day. Pectin is a soluble fiber found in apples that can help control diarrhea while promoting digestion and preventing constipation. The antioxidants and phytonutrients found in this fruit are good for vision and help combat symptoms of asthma.

Popcorn is loaded with vitamins B3 and B6, folate and pantothenic acid, which helps in proper brain function and protects the body against infection. The high amount of dietary fiber in popcorn keeps kids full. Hence, it prevents overeating and weight gain in kids. (And since we know that pooping can be an issue when traveling with kids, the fiber aids in regularity.)

So, consider subbing in these 3 options for your car ride snacks the next time you hit the road!

Not sure how to approach this on your own? Let’s chat about how health coaching may benefit you.

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