Showing: 31 - 33 of 33 Articles

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention and knowing where to direct our attention. Mindfulness is being aware in the present moment, compared to mindlessness which is not being conscious of the present. By not being present we are: 🌱 Wasting the life we are living. 🌱 We’re missing out on important information. 🌱 We …


Mindfulness has helped me to shift my ways of thinking and reacting to many situations. However, I often struggle in the moment to maintain the sense of calm and focus in the midst of a frustrating situation. So I wanted to share about the power in STOP! This informal technique is used to bring mindfulness …

A world of difference…

I received this photo from my son’s teacher. It illustrates the difference in what he is able to do when he has taken his ADHD medication and when he has not. 🤷I know there are people now wondering why does someone who posts about nutrition and clean living give her child ADHD medication? Doesn’t she …