Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 Articles

The Perfection Trap

Often, we feel the need to do everything perfectly, to get it right the first time. We fall into the perfection trap…and that trap can often snap shut on us in painful ways. How many times have you not tried something new because you were afraid of getting it wrong? How many times have you …

What hinders you?

The activity of the mind is intense and continuous and is not connected to the present reality. The mind wanders by taking us places that are very far from the here and now. We live most of our life with our autopilot turned on, our body is present, but our mind is not. The problem …

Mindful Eating

Are you stuck in the pattern of unconscious or blind eating? Eating when you are anxious, dissatisfied, alone or bored? There are times we eat not to nourish our body, but to comfort ourselves emotionally or to pass the time. Or, perhaps you don’t eat much at all because of the relationship you have with …

The Roots of Mindfulness

Mindfulness has its roots in the Buddhist contemplative traditions. The practice of mindfulness aimed at reducing and eliminating suffering linked to an incorrect understanding of reality and draws its origins from the four Noble truths and the Noble eightfold path belonging to the most ancient Buddhist spiritual culture. The Four Noble Truths are: Suffering on …

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention and knowing where to direct our attention. Mindfulness is being aware in the present moment, compared to mindlessness which is not being conscious of the present. By not being present we are: 🌱 Wasting the life we are living. 🌱 We’re missing out on important information. 🌱 We …


Mindfulness has helped me to shift my ways of thinking and reacting to many situations. However, I often struggle in the moment to maintain the sense of calm and focus in the midst of a frustrating situation. So I wanted to share about the power in STOP! This informal technique is used to bring mindfulness …