
Mindful Eating

Are you stuck in the pattern of unconscious or blind eating? Eating when you are anxious, dissatisfied, alone or bored? There are times we eat not to nourish our body, but to comfort ourselves emotionally or to pass the time. Or, perhaps you don’t eat much at all because of the relationship you have with your body. Ultimately, we need to eat to nourish ourselves, Mindfulness offers a chance to break the negative cycle with food.

A few guidelines for mindful eating…

  1. Pay attention to the way we nourish ourselves.
  2. Observe our desired with regard to food and urges. What puts that desire in motion? Do we really want what we want to eat? What do we get by eating it? How do we feel after we eat? Are we addicted in any way? Can we control ourselves and only eat a small amount?
  3. Shop when fully aware. Don’t go the the store when hungry, when in a state of emotional upheaval, or without a list or plan.
  4. Re-examine the dishes we normally cook and prefer. In what ways can we create a healthier version of the dish?
  5. Cook with awareness- focus on preparing each element of the meal not on multitasking. Do not answer the phone or watch TV while cooking.
  6. Eat meals with awareness. Sit at the table, not in front of the TV. Focus on eating instead of trying to get other things done while eating.
  7. Carefully observe the food that you are eating- What is its origin? Who grew it or produced it?
  8. Turn off auto-pilot when you eat. As you consume the food we ask ourselves do we really want this? How much? Are we getting full? What signs tell us we are getting full?
  9. Pay attention to how you body feels after eating. Are you heavy or light? Tired or full of energy? Are you bloated or gassy?

Interested in exploring mindful eating a bit more? Check out this video.

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