
What hinders you?

The activity of the mind is intense and continuous and is not connected to the present reality. The mind wanders by taking us places that are very far from the here and now. We live most of our life with our autopilot turned on, our body is present, but our mind is not. The problem arises when we start stop living in the present, and start living in the past or in the future.

There are a few elements that hinder mindfulness:

Hyperconnectivity-New technologies develop dependence. Modern technology makes us lose touch with reality.

Increasingly hectic life rhythms- More to do pushed into less time.

Multitasking- Multitasking reduces productivity by 40%, meaning we work harder and produce less.

Despite being richer in economic terms, the pace of life and the number of things to do is causing stress, unhappiness and illness. So how do you live in the moment in the best possible way? Mindfulness is the process of paying attention which helps us to consciously live in the present. Mindfulness means paying attention specifically, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally. This can be as simple as disengaging the autopilot from your basic daily activities like brushing your teeth or driving to work. Or, you can choose to engage in formal meditation practices.

Remember, practicing mindfulness means being aware which allows us to take control of negative thought patterns before they overwhelm us and suck us into a downward spiral. This puts control back into our lives.

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