Mindfulness has helped me to shift my ways of thinking and reacting to many situations. However, I often struggle in the moment to maintain the sense of calm and focus in the midst of a frustrating situation.

So I wanted to share about the power in STOP!

This informal technique is used to bring mindfulness into our daily life to reduce stress and anxiety. It aids us in breaking up the autopilot mode through the process of stopping and waking up. It can be done when you feel anxious, irritable, or tense. Or, you can complete it at regular intervals throughout the day. (I find it a quick way to re-set at the end of each class.)

The acronym STOP is a fast and simple method to restore awareness and balance between the mind and body.

T=TAKE a breath

When we stop, we take a deep breath and observe what is going on our thoughts, emotions, sensations, and physical tensions. We open up to what is already there without preferences and without judgement. We return to ourselves.

As you encounter a moment of stress this week… STOP! Your mind and body will thanks you for the chance to reset.๐Ÿ’•

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