Health and Wellness

Inflammation affects erections!

All right guys, this one is for you!

Inflammation can lead to erectile dysfunction. Research has shown that chronic inflammation, whether visible or hidden has been linked to heart diseases and diabetes among other diseases.

An article published in the European Heart Journal in 2007 explains diseases that contribute to erectile dysfunction are hallmarked by endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial cells are found in the lining of blood vessels and produce nitric oxide, which causes the blood vessels to relax in order to increase blood flow. Increased blood flow is one of the important elements needed for an erection to happen. If the endothelial cells malfunction and don’t produce enough nitric oxide, then the blood vessels can’t relax and the extra blood flow needed to achieve an erection can be impeded.

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is one element in the body that gets elevated during an episode of inflammation. CRP also prevents the production of nitric oxide, (mentioned in the post about heart and cardiovascular diseases) which is important in allowing a person to have an erection. Thus, when CRP is elevated, nitric oxide production is diminished, and an erection becomes more difficult.

The same foods that contribute to inflammation will also contribute to erectile dysfunction.

* FATTY FOODS- The fats in these foods are not the healthy kind and may clog your arteries. If your arteries are clogged, reduced circulation could not only affect your heart but also your ability to achieve and maintain an erection.
* EXCESS SUGAR- Over-consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and other sugary foods is linked to weight gain and an increase in BMI. Obesity is directly linked to erectile issues, and the repeated sugar highs and crashes which impact both insulin and leptin levels can lead to ED and decreased sex drive.
* ALCOHOL- Excessive alcohol consumption can also inhibit blood flow to the penis, reducing sensation and your ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

If this is something that you have been struggling with, there are dietary changes that can help reverse chronic inflammation and restore your health.

Continue to follow along as we move into exploring how inflammation plays a role in autoimmune diseases.

Not sure if you may be dealing with Chronic Inflammation? Check out this prior blog post for more information- The Destruction of Chronic Inflammation

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