Health and Wellness

How the food you eat affects your gut…


Gluten is a wheat protein made up of 2 other proteins, Glutenin and Gliadin. Glutenin is responsible for strength and elasticity in dough. Gliadin is similar in structure to the thyroid proteins. If you have leaky gut your immune system will attack the gliadin, but it can also get confused and start attacking the thyroid.


Contains whey and casein (proteins), and pasteurized milk is devoid of the enzyme needed to break these down. Contains lactose (milk sugar) which 70% of the world’s population lacks the enzyme to break down. Lactose intolerance causes gas, bloating, and diarrhea from the gut bacteria fermenting the lactose sugar.


Interferes with the absorption of essential minerals such as selenium, which helps convert the primary thyroid hormone T4 to the active form T3. 90% of soy is GMO, Round-up ready. Glyphosate leads to leaky gut and interferes with the production pathways of 3 essential amino acids, tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine.


Over 90% is genetically modified to be Round-up tolerant. Another form is modified to produce its own insecticide which kills insects by poking holes in the digestive tract. (Yes, it has the same effect in humans.) Sensitivities to corn can present similar to that of gluten and other allergens.


Includes tomatoes, tomatillos, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, potatoes, bell peppers, and pimentos. These plants produce alkaloids that can lead to inflammation and joint pain, particularly in those with inflammatory diseases. Nightshades also contain lectins which can trigger an immune response.


Egg yolks are high in arachidonic acid, a pro-inflammatory Omega-6 Acid. Most eggs come from chickens fed a diet of GMO corn and soy. (You are what you ate has eaten.)
Organic eggs from cage-free hens fed a natural free-range diet rich in Omega-3s have more health benefits.


The top 10 problems of sugar are:

• Unsustainable source of energy and devoid of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids
• Linked to decrease in intake of essential nutrients
• High in fructose, which is metabolized fully in the liver and does not turn off the hunger signal, ghrelin
• Too much sugar can lead to a fatty liver
• Causes insulin resistance
• Causes inflammation, and inflammation causes pain
• Linked to an increase in body weight
• Highly addictive because it triggers release of dopamine, the pleasure hormone, in the brain
• Feeds cancer
• Raises your cholesterol

It tastes delicious but it is definitely not nutritious! This includes all forms of sugar, but those with the greatest negatives are refined cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Consider reducing sugar intake to improve your gut health.

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